Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Introduction / What Has Gone Before

And just "who" is Gnomecrusher, you ask? Well...

In March 2004, contributors to the "Hippos" forum thread on SecondLife.com began a collaborative story - oddly enough, about hippos. (For the story behind that, you need to ask a Second Life veteran. Come on by and check out Second Life - tell them Sinclair sent you...)

Originally, the story grew a sentence or two at a time, kind of like a party game - though without the associated food, music, and alcohol. (Pity, that...)

As the story progressed, many of the contributing posters found other, er, forums within which to contribute. Eventually, I found myself the last remaining contributor to the story. Creative differences? Outright indifference? Subtle devious manipulation? Who's to say...

In any event, the story continues here. Thank you for your interest.

Oh yeah... Gnomecrusher is the father of the three young hippos (Stomp, Maw, and Wallow) who are the story's main characters. He's dead - but you have to read the story to find out why...


What Has Gone Before:

Sturm Gnomecrusher, hippo Herdmaster of Altanima, is dead. His children - eldest son and heir Stomp, aspiring warrior priestess Maw, and quiet, studious sister Wallow - set off to find and take revenge upon his killer, the renegade acolyte Christopher.

During their journey, Christopher disguises himself as Stomp in an effort to learn their plans, but the sisters discover the masquerade, revealing Christopher and a construct which calls itself Meretriculus. Christopher escapes when a strange monkey intercedes, but Meretriculus attempts to goad the hippos into attacking. Suddenly, Wallow banishes the creature with newfound words of power, to the surprise of her siblings - and herself.

The monkey, Erejone, introduces himself as an Avatar, one of the mysterious beings whose history and abilities are studied by the various creatures and Acolytes of Altanima. Erejone and his fellow Avatar, a she-leopard named Sindonis, accompany the three hippos back to the herd's river. They reveal to the children that Gnomecrusher also was an Avatar - not an Acolyte as everyone had believed - and that was the reason for his death. As they speak further, Erejone grows more uneasy, at last naming Meretriculus not as a mere prim construct, but as a servant of Grief known as a Grimm.

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